Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Business Law and Ethics Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Business Law and Ethics Assignment - Essay Example 249-253, 2005). However, the modern market environment has altered the true essence and fundamental nature of competition and has given a shape of cruel war and fight amongst rivalries where everybody existing in the global market wants to gain the competitive edge over others. In addition, their prime motive had turned out to generate profit with acceleration at any cost and has become the leading cause of organisational effectiveness. This shifting in the global economies and recession on a worldwide basis has become one of the dominant reasons of the changing perceptions and mindsets of the business (Maheshwari, pp. 30-31, 2005). As profit maximisation has become their primary source of organisational effectiveness due to utter competition in the recent times, therefore, enterprises are moreover focusing and emphasising on business process reengineering and through innovative ideas and strategies developing their products and services into an exclusive and inimitable one (Kotler & Armstrong, pp. 293- 300, 2008). Furthermore, business owners also view the profit as a valuable and powerful source of judgment, assessment, and analysis of the organisation’s effectiveness. While living in a society or a community, people comes under coercion to follow some norms and rules, which becomes their part of their inheritance, in the same manner, ethical principles or business ethics are also congenital in the world of commerce. In addition, these norms and values come under the definition with right and wrong and the people in the business community have to peruse a couple of elementary and vital ethics of impartiality,...4-11, 2007). The performance, actions and the conduct of the people in the business community comes under dominance and supremacy by the morality and the values of the business ethics. One of the facets of the professional ethics, business ethics, or corporate ethics highlights the significance of moral values, conducts, conventionalities, issue s, and difficulties that may emerge and derive in a trading situation or climate (Jones & Parker & Bos, pp. 12-18, 2005)...

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Project 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Project 2 - Essay Example Because of the ripple effect, the loss of jobs resulting in unemployed workers, reduces the overall dollar amount of discretionary income and this itself has other economic ramifications. United States workers often take action and lobby their congressmen to limit the amount of foreign imports and overseas production. If successful, the result may be tariffs or quotas or both. Tariffs are taxes on each item imported. Quotas set a limit on the number of items permitted to enter the country. Both cause the prices to rise because the foreign manufacturer raise the selling price in US markets. This in turn often causes Americans to purchase American products because of the lower price. This increases the demand for US products and the need for increased production. Free trade therefore exists within US borders to increase domestic levels of production and benefit the employees of those companies and the US economy overall. An added benefit passed on to the consumer is reasonable pricing for the items. In popularly held beliefs the American producers of wine (i.e. California vineries) would benefit from a large tariff on French and German wine because the tariff imposed on French and German exporters would be passed on to the consumers in the American market thus prohibiting them from buying them at such high prices. They would in turn buy more domestic wines compared to imports. Theoretically though, both would benefit because there are many wealthy American citizens willing to pay higher prices for imports because of the real or imagined perception that they are superior. It would require examination of the American markets to see if sales actually rise when such tariffs are imposed and a comparable examination of French and German companies to see if sales remain the same even though they are higher priced or if the added cost passed onto the consumer maintains the same level of profits. Protectionist trade barriers might not save American jobs or